Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

We are able to advise and assist where urgent protection is required via a non-molestation order and an occupation order.  We are however, unalble to provide Legal Aid.

Domestic violence is an incident or patterns of incidents of:

  • Controlling behaviour
  • Coercive behaviour
  • Threatening or intimidating behaviour
  • Degrading acts
  • Violent behaviour
  • Sexual violence.

It can include but is not limited to:

  • Physical abuse
  • Financial and economic control
  • Stalking and online abuse.

The Family Law Team are able to act quickly and provide emergency legal remedies where appropriate.  We also provide practical advice regarding support that is available locally and the practical steps that are required to ensure your safety and that of your children (if applicable).

It is important to act quickly and to make an application to Court without the other party being aware.  This application can only be made where there is a real and immediate danger of serious injury or irreparable harm. We can also assist with signposting to an appropriate agency.

A non-molestation order would typically forbid the other party from:

  • using or threatening violence against you and your children (if applicable);
  • intimidating harassing or pestering you and your children (if applicable) or encouraging a third party to do so.

It is also possible to obtain Occupation Orders requiring the other party to vacate the property you share.

There would then be a further hearing, known as a On Notice Hearing, where the other party would be given chance to make representations.

Most cases can be resolved at this stage but occasionally go on to a Final Hearing.


Domestic Violence Support Groups:

Support Group

Telephone Number


Staying Put

08082 800 999

Refuge (National Domestic Violence Helpline)

08082 000 247

Bradford Thrive & Survive

01274 481039

Men Standing Up

01274 481039

Karma Nirvana (Honour Based Violence)

08005 999 247

If you require legal advice or guidance from our experienced Family Law team then you can call us or email [email protected].

Family Law Team

Emma Leedham


Legal Assistant

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Emma Leedham

Emma L

Head of Department/Lawyer

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