How to make payments
Waddington Turner Wall Solicitors can accept your payments in a number of ways:
- Cash
- Up to the value of £1000 (unless by agreement)
- No £50 notes
- Debit cards
- Credit cards
- Cheque
- Postal Order
- Bank Transfer
- BACS (3 day clearance)
- CHAPS (same day clearance)
- Standing Order
Please discuss how you would like to make your payment with the person dealing with your case.
Payment difficulties
What if you are having any kind of difficulty in making your payments?
- Please contact us as early as possible so that suitable arrangements can be made.
- This will help to avoid:
- letters, emails or phone calls chasing for payment,
- additional fees, or
- as a last resort legal action.
You can contact our Keighley office on 01535 662644 or our Skipton Office on 01756 700110.
Initial Enquiry
We would be delighted to explain how we can help you. To speak to one of our team: