Unacceptable Client Behaviour

We are committed to providing an excellent service to all our clients. Please see our Client Care Policy and Vulnerable Clients Policy. In return, we expect our clients to:

  • Behave appropriately
  • Treat all of us with courtesy, consideration and respect.
  • Allow us to carry out our work.

Most of our clients are satisfied with the service we provide. But we recognise that there can be delays, although not always of our making, and mistakes can happen.

We accept that we can all act out of character in times of trouble or distress. But in a very small number of cases some clients behave in ways that are inappropriate and unacceptable, despite our best efforts to help them.

Unacceptable behaviour makes it difficult for us to deal with your matter or complaint effectively.

If you do wish to make a formal complaint about the level of service provided, then please read our Complaints Policy.

This policy enables us to deal with unacceptable customer behaviour professionally and consistently. It lets both our team and clients know what we consider to be unacceptable and outlines the steps we may take to deal with such behaviour. It applies to all clients.