Obituary – Erika Williman 25.07.1970-23.07.2022

We are all devastated to hear of the passing of Erika at the weekend. She will be missed by all who had the honour and privilege to know her, both personally and professionally.
Our thoughts are with her husband, children and family at this very difficult time.
- Erika qualified as a solicitor in 1994 and joined Waddington Turner Wall in April 2019 as a Consultant Family Law Solicitor. She had specialised in family cases throughout a legal career spanning over 25 years.
- She was a partner at a firm in North Yorkshire for over eight years, a Head of Department at another and had worked as a Consultant and locum across the Yorkshire region for several years prior to joining us.
- As a committee member at a women’s refuge in York and a founder member of You’re Not Alone, she highlighted issues surrounding domestic violence and forced marriages in West Yorkshire. These consortiums linked with various organisations across the voluntary sector and the police.
- Erika also provided online professional development lectures on a broad spectrum of family topics.
- She dealt with all forms of Family Law but specialised in:
- Islamic marriages.
- Financial matters following relationship breakdowns.
- High net worth cases including businesses, agricultural land and inherited wealth.
- Troubleshooting difficult and seemingly intractable cases.
- Advocacy at Court.
During her time with us she actively mentored Emma Leedham (Family Law Paralegal) and took a great deal of pride in her progress and development. That will always be part of her legacy here.